Payroll Deduction

Payroll Deduction


Hundreds of physician offices utilize Lambert’s billing programs. We work with organizations ranging from small rural offices of 5, to entire hospital systems and federal and local government accounts. We specialize not only in medical apparel but also in food services, hotel / motel, and corporate business accounts.

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Lambert’s enables your staff to shop with ease in our stores through a payroll deduction program. This program is available in several ways, including: traditional charge accounts for offices providing payroll deduction benefits, corporate programs using Lambert’s gift cards, and payroll deduction arrangements utilizing our online shopping web site. For more information on this program or to schedule a demonstration of how this would work for your group, please contact us.

Hospital & Corporate Programs

Lambert’s has the uniforms, shoes, and accessories you need for your group to look and feel their best. You can choose payroll deduction and/or charge account options for your group, and receive special pricing on qualifying orders.

Charge Accounts

Lambert’s has experience and skill servicing large federal, state, and local uniform accounts with a great variety of payment arrangements including payroll deduction accounts, grants, vouchers, group gift card sales, and traditional commercial charge account.

Billing & Insurance help

We will happily discuss your covered options and how best to meet your needs. Please contact our Medical Department and we’ll be happy to verify your insurance coverage, discuss benefits and payment arrangements.

Payroll Deductions

Lambert’s enables your staff to shop with ease in our stores through a payroll deduction program. This program is available in several ways, including: traditional charge accounts for offices providing payroll deduction benefits, corporate programs using Lambert’s gift cards, and payroll deduction arrangements utilizing our online shopping web site. For more information on this program or to schedule a demonstration of how this would work for your group, please contact us.